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Navigating IRS Audit Reconsideration: A Comprehensive Guide

Section 1: Understanding IRS Audit Reconsideration

Navigating the complex landscape of IRS audits can be overwhelming, but IRS Audit Reconsideration provides a glimmer of hope for taxpayers who believe that the audit results are inaccurate or unfair. It is important to note that IRS Audit Reconsideration is distinct from the appeals process. While an appeal involves presenting your case to an independent appeals officer, Audit Reconsideration focuses on revisiting an already completed audit.

So, what exactly is IRS Audit Reconsideration? Simply put, it is a process that allows taxpayers to challenge the results of an audit and present new information or evidence to support their claims. It is typically pursued when you have identified errors made by the IRS, have new evidence to present, or when there were extenuating circumstances that were not considered during the initial audit.

One of the key distinguishing factors of Audit Reconsideration is that it can be requested even if you have missed the deadline to file an appeal. This provides a second chance to address inaccuracies and seek a fair resolution. It is important to note that Audit Reconsideration is not available for audits that have been previously resolved through the appeals process, or if you have signed a settlement agreement (such as an Offer in Compromise) that includes a waiver of your right to Audit Reconsideration.

To initiate the Audit Reconsideration process, you must submit a written request to the IRS within a specific timeframe. The request should outline the reasons for your disagreement with the audit results and provide supporting documentation or evidence. It is crucial to present a clear and compelling case to increase the chances of a successful Audit Reconsideration.

IRS Audit Reconsideration offers taxpayers an opportunity to rectify errors and achieve a fair outcome. In the following sections, we will explore when it is appropriate to consider Audit Reconsideration, how to initiate the process, and the steps involved in building a strong case. Additionally, we will discuss the importance of seeking professional assistance to navigate the intricacies of Audit Reconsideration effectively.

Section 2: When to Consider IRS Audit Reconsideration

IRS Audit Reconsideration can be a viable option in various situations where you believe the audit results are inaccurate, unfair, or fail to consider specific circumstances. Let's explore some scenarios that may warrant the consideration of Audit Reconsideration:

  1. Discovery of Errors: If you have identified errors made by the IRS during the audit process, such as miscalculations, misinterpretation of tax laws, or incorrect application of deductions, Audit Reconsideration can provide an avenue to correct these mistakes. By presenting documented evidence of these errors, you can challenge the initial audit results and seek a more accurate assessment of your tax liability.
  2. New Evidence or Information: Sometimes, after the conclusion of an audit, you may come across new information or evidence that was not previously available. This could include overlooked documents, receipts, or additional financial records that could significantly impact the audit results. If you have compelling evidence that was not considered during the initial audit, IRS Audit Reconsideration can allow you to present this new information and potentially revise the outcome.
  3. Change in Personal or Financial Circumstances: Life circumstances can change dramatically after an audit, and these changes may warrant Audit Reconsideration. For example, if you experienced a significant loss in income, incurred substantial medical expenses, or faced unexpected hardships since the audit, you can present these extenuating circumstances as grounds for reconsideration. Demonstrating how these factors impact your ability to pay or comply with tax obligations can influence the IRS to reassess the audit results.
  4. Disputed Tax Assessments: In situations where you fundamentally disagree with the IRS's assessment of your tax liability, Audit Reconsideration provides an opportunity to challenge the disputed amounts. This could involve questioning the validity of certain expenses disallowed by the IRS, asserting the applicability of specific deductions, or contesting the classification of income. By presenting a well-supported argument, you can advocate for a fair and accurate assessment of your tax liability.
  5. Missed Deadline for Appeal: If you missed the deadline to file an appeal following an audit, whether due to oversight or extenuating circumstances, IRS Audit Reconsideration can be an alternative path to challenge the audit results. This offers a second chance to present your case, even if the formal appeals process is no longer available.

In these and other similar scenarios, IRS Audit Reconsideration can serve as a valuable tool for taxpayers seeking to rectify errors, present new evidence, or address extenuating circumstances that were not initially considered during the audit process. It is crucial to evaluate your specific situation and consult with a tax professional to determine if Audit Reconsideration is a viable course of action.

Section 3: Initiating the IRS Audit Reconsideration Process

Initiating the IRS Audit Reconsideration process requires careful preparation and adherence to specific procedures. To begin the Audit Reconsideration process, there are several key steps you should follow:

Gather Relevant Documentation: Before submitting a request for Audit Reconsideration, it is essential to gather all relevant documentation pertaining to your tax return and the audit in question. This includes copies of your original tax return, the IRS's audit findings, any correspondence related to the audit, and any supporting documentation that strengthens your case for reconsideration. Organize these documents systematically to present a coherent and persuasive argument.

Review Audit Findings and Discrepancies: Thoroughly review the audit findings and identify specific areas of disagreement or discrepancies. Compare the audit results to your records and identify any errors, misinterpretations, or factual inaccuracies that need to be addressed. Pay attention to specific issues or line items where you believe the IRS's assessment is incorrect or unjustified. This will serve as the foundation for your argument during the Audit Reconsideration process.

Understand the Deadline for Filing: It is crucial to determine the deadline for filing an Audit Reconsideration request, as missing the deadline can result in the loss of this opportunity. The deadline typically depends on various factors, including the type of tax assessment, the specific form used for the original return, and whether any prior appeals or agreements were made. Consult the IRS guidelines, seek professional advice, or contact the IRS directly to determine the applicable deadline for your case.

Prepare a Well-Supported Written Request: The next step is to prepare a well-drafted, written request for Audit Reconsideration. The request should clearly state your disagreement with the audit findings, provide a concise overview of the reasons for your disagreement, and present a compelling argument supported by relevant documentation. Be precise, factual, and organized in your presentation. Clearly articulate how you believe the audit results are inaccurate, unfair, or fail to consider relevant information or circumstances.

Submitting the Audit Reconsideration Request: Once your written request is complete, you must submit it to the appropriate IRS office. The specific address and instructions for submission can vary depending on your location and the type of tax assessment. Double-check the IRS guidelines or consult with a tax professional to ensure that you are submitting the request to the correct office and following the prescribed submission procedures. It is advisable to retain a copy of the request and all supporting documentation for your records.

By following these steps, you can effectively initiate the IRS Audit Reconsideration process. Remember to be diligent in your preparation, as a well-constructed request supported by compelling evidence can significantly enhance your chances of a successful Audit Reconsideration. In the next section, we will delve into the crucial task of building a strong case to support your request for reconsideration.

Section 4: Building a Strong Case for IRS Audit Reconsideration

Building a strong case for IRS Audit Reconsideration involves several important steps that contribute to the effectiveness of your argument. By carefully considering each element, you can construct a compelling case that stands a greater chance of success:

Thoroughly analyze the audit findings and identify discrepancies or errors that you believe are inaccurate or unfair.

Gather supporting documentation, such as financial records, receipts, invoices, bank statements, and contracts, to substantiate your claims and provide evidence that supports your position.

Consider seeking expert analysis from tax professionals, such as tax attorneys or certified public accountants (CPAs), who can provide objective insights, identify weaknesses in your case, and offer guidance on how to strengthen your arguments.

Craft a well-structured argument that clearly presents your disagreement with the audit findings and outlines the reasons why you believe they are incorrect or unjustified. Use clear and logical reasoning, citing relevant tax laws, regulations, or precedents to support your position.

Anticipate potential counterarguments that the IRS may present and address them proactively. Present strong rebuttals, backed by persuasive explanations or additional evidence, to counter any weaknesses in your case.

Compile all relevant documentation, your written argument, and supporting materials into a comprehensive reconsideration package. Present the package in an organized and professional manner, ensuring that it is easy to navigate and understand.

By following these guidelines and paying careful attention to each aspect, you can build a strong case for IRS Audit Reconsideration. Remember to emphasize the clarity and persuasiveness of your argument, substantiate your claims with solid evidence, and address any potential weaknesses upfront. In the next section, we will discuss the advantages of seeking professional assistance when navigating the complexities of Audit Reconsideration.

Section 5: Seeking Professional Assistance for IRS Audit Reconsideration

When facing IRS Audit Reconsideration, seeking professional assistance from experienced tax attorneys or certified public accountants (CPAs) can greatly benefit your case. Here are the advantages of partnering with professionals during the Audit Reconsideration process:

  1. In-depth Knowledge and Expertise: Tax professionals specializing in Audit Reconsideration possess extensive knowledge of tax laws, regulations, and procedures. They stay updated with the latest changes and understand how to interpret and apply them to your specific case. Their expertise ensures that your arguments are well-grounded in the relevant legal framework, maximizing your chances of a successful outcome.
  2. Experience Handling IRS Disputes: Tax attorneys and CPAs who have dealt with IRS disputes before bring valuable experience to the table. They have a deep understanding of the IRS audit process, know how to navigate potential challenges, and can anticipate the tactics employed by the IRS. Leveraging their experience, they can develop effective strategies tailored to your circumstances, increasing the likelihood of a favorable resolution.
  3. Objective Evaluation and Analysis: Tax professionals provide an objective evaluation of your case, identifying its strengths and weaknesses. They can review your documentation, assess the validity of your arguments, and determine whether you have a strong basis for pursuing Audit Reconsideration. Their impartial analysis helps you make informed decisions and ensures that your case is well-prepared and compelling.
  4. Guidance in Building a Strong Case: Tax professionals offer valuable guidance in building a strong case for Audit Reconsideration. They can help you gather relevant evidence, structure your arguments effectively, and address any potential gaps or weaknesses in your documentation. Their insights ensure that your case is comprehensive, persuasive, and well-supported by solid evidence, increasing your chances of success.


IRS Audit Reconsideration provides taxpayers with an opportunity to challenge the results of an audit and seek a fair resolution. By understanding the process, knowing when to pursue Audit Reconsideration, and building a strong case supported by compelling evidence, you can effectively navigate this avenue. Seeking professional assistance from tax attorneys or CPAs can further enhance your chances of success by leveraging their expertise, experience, and guidance throughout the process.


Remember that the key to a successful Audit Reconsideration lies in meticulous preparation, thorough analysis of audit findings, gathering strong supporting documentation, crafting persuasive arguments, and addressing potential counterarguments. Presenting your case in a clear, concise, and well-organized manner is essential to demonstrate the validity of your claims and maximize the likelihood of a favorable outcome.


While IRS Audit Reconsideration may seem complex and challenging, it offers a valuable opportunity to rectify errors, present new evidence, and address extenuating circumstances. Whether you choose to pursue it independently or seek professional assistance, the Audit Reconsideration process empowers you to assert your rights and work towards a fair resolution of your tax matters.


Remember to consult IRS guidelines, seek professional advice when needed, and be proactive in your approach. With dedication, thoroughness, and the support of knowledgeable professionals, you can navigate the IRS Audit Reconsideration process with confidence and strive for a resolution that aligns with your best interests.

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