Real Solutions to IRS Debt and Related Problems

Tax Liens & Tax Levies

What is a Tax Lien? How Can You Help?

A tax lien occurs when the IRS legally claims your assets because you have not paid your outstanding tax debt. This ensures that the government gets your property over other creditors if you fail to pay your debt.

While not as serious as a tax levy in which your property is actually seized, a tax lien still puts your personal property in jeopardy and could hinder your ability to buy and/or sell real property.

Your tax lien can be a thing of the past if you choose us to advocate aggressively on your behalf. We have helped our clients to find solutions to their tax debt, and we know what it takes to get out of this situation in a way that works for both you the taxpayer, and the IRS.

We are the firm you can count on.

Let's discuss your story and your options. Contact us online or by phone at (844) 511-4800 to get the process started.

What is a Tax Levy? And Can it be Released?

A tax levy is when the IRS seizes your property to satisfy the debt you owe. It is different from a tax lien because the levy takes property to satisfy the delinquent debt, while a lien is a legal claim against property to secure payment for your outstanding tax debt.

Some examples of tax levies:

  • Bank levies
  • Wage garnishment
  • Property seizure
  • Reduced or retained tax refunds

If you received a notice of intent to levy through the IRS, you have the right to appeal it and stop a tax levy altogether. If the tax levy has already started, you may even request levied assets to be returned to you.

For experienced guidance with the tax levy process, reach out to our tax levy attorneys in Tampa at the Florida Tax Law Group.